
Complimentary courses

The following courses are complimentary for the student who has paid 5000 RMB or more or as a one time gift to others.

  • English calligraphy
  • Melody
  • Games

Courses which are complimentary once only.

Parent Tuition

Tuition for one parent with one child is half price.

Tuition for one parent with two or more children is free.

Coupon policy

When 5000 RMB or more is paid in advance, a 10% coupon will be available for further tutoring sessions, tuition, or as a gift to another person.

Coupons can be used by the students or be gifted to another.

Return Policy

Unused tuition can be fully reimbursed up the first 15 days of class. Trial sessions that are free, may not be reimbursed once tuition is paid.

Online Tutoring

Fees are paid by for in advance or by the session, but in 10 session increments. Reimbursements for unused sessions can be requested via emailing the Tuition Department.

Fees for online tutoring are rated by the level of the students needs and the qualifications of the tutors selected. The lower the students level and higher the tutor’s qualification, will require a larger payment.

Trial online tutoring sessions that continue past the agreed minimum time, are billable as minutes used less the free minutes given.

Visiting Our Offices and Campuses

We encourage students and their parents to visit our offices to talk with us in order to discover more about our academy. No one web page can describe or answer every question. Please feel free to bring your questions to us, and see how your sapling can grow.