The Park Swings Push me on the swings. Sandbox I found a watch in the sandbox. Picnic I want to have a picnic on Sunday. Kite Go fly a kite. Ice Cream What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Dog I like to walk my dog every day. Gate Can you open the gate […]
The Toyshop
The Toyshop Train Set Do you want to play with my train set? Dice What kind of dice do you use? Recorder I played a recorder at their age. Robot Look, an old toy robot! Necklace Do you wear a necklace? Camera Want to use the camera? Beads Get some beads so we can […]
The Street
The Street Shop This is a cute little shop. Hole The city should fix this hole. Café Want to have lunch in this café? Ambulance Let the ambulance pass. Sidewalk Stay on the sidewalk when you’re walking. Statue Take a left at the statue. Chimney I think it’s time to clean the chimney. Roof […]
The Workshop
The Workshop Vice Put the board in the vice. Sandpaper Is this a good grade of sandpaper? Drill Is the drill charged? Ladder The ladder is in the corner. Saw I cut the board with a saw. Sawdust I made a lot of sawdust. Calendar This calendar is very old. Toolbox Put everything back […]
The Garden
The Garden Wheelbarrow You can use the wheelbarrow to move the garbage. Beehive Be careful of the beehive. Snail Let’s try to get rid of the snails from the garden. Bricks The bricks on the house make it sturdy. Pigeon There is a large flock of pigeons. Shovel Dig a hole with that shovel. Ladybug […]
The Kitchen
The Kitchen Fridge Grab a tomato out of the fridge. Glasses Put the glasses up there. Clock Is the clock right? Stool Have a seat on the stool. Teaspoon I need 3 teaspoons of sugar. Switch Turn the light switch on please. Laundry Soap Don’t use too much laundry soap. Key What is this […]
At Home
Bathroom Bathroom I am using the bathroom. Bathtub The bathtub has a rubber duck in it. Soap Where is the soap? Faucet Let’s turn on the faucet Water The water is cold. Toilet Paper Do you have more toilet paper? Toilet May I use your toilet? Toothbrush I need a new toothbrush. Sponge I use […]
The First Thousand Words
Sapling Academy is now using a unique tool so you can learn English. We hope that you enjoy learning a few important words used in the English language. Below are the links to the rest of the lessons you can be taught by the Academy’s teachers and tutors. At Home [catlist name=first-thousand-words orderby=ID order=asc offset=1 numberposts=25]